Product news

Recent and upcoming changes for the NAV Online Invoicing System in Hungary

As communicated last year, the NAV Online Invoicing System in Hungary is supported in Exact Globe.  We are ready to announce some important news about recent and upcoming changes in this functionality.

Recent changes

In the recent Exact Globe service packs for product update 417 and 416, we have included multiple improvements for the NAV Online Invoicing System in Hungary.

Besides several issues that were solved based on your feedback also some bigger improvements are available:

Upcoming changes

In January 2019 the National Tax and Customs Administration NTCA (NAV) has disclosed the newer versions of the system. These changes will continue along the entire 2019 according to the Hungarian Tax Authorities. The first essential milestone for customers is the end of April. After April 2019 electronic invoices will only be accepted by NAV when the software that is used to submit invoices to NAV is supporting the newer version of the system. We keep focus on making appropriate changes in the Exact Globe solution to make sure that you do not experience discomfort due to the NAV system version change.

The upcoming service packs for product update 417 and 416 that are planned for the beginning of April 2019, will include the legally required changes with respect to the NAV system version change.

Important: Keep in mind that Exact Globe customers with the Hungarian legislation must ultimately update to these service packs for product update 417 or 416 by the end of April 2019. These changes will not be made available in older product updates or service packs.

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